Book translations

Translation of a book is a long process. I prefer to translate small works or parts. At the moment, my own book is being translated from Russian into English. But the Russian-speaking reader does not care about this. I am preparing for publication a translation from Sanskrit into Russian and English of two small works of Madhva (XIII CE): Tattvasankhyānam („Enumeration of Essences“) and Tattvavivekaḥ („Research of Essences“). In these works, Madhva describes the hierarchy of entities that make up our world, for example, time, on the one hand, is eternal, on the other, it is non-eternal, as it passes, and is also divided into seconds, minutes, hours. The Vedas, according to tradition, are eternal, but their form is different, etc.


In December 2021, we began to translate from Sanskrit into Russian two commentaries by Madhva on Bhagavad-gītā: Gītā-bhāṣya („Commentary on Gītā“) and Gītā-tātparya („Clarification of the True Meaning of the Gītā“). I plan to publish these works in parts, more precisely, chapter-wise. One edition — two commentaries. Now — the second chapter. This project is a long process.


Madhva has 41 works :))
