Who am I?
As you may have guessed from my articles, my main interest is India. The first time I visited this country was in 1998. Then my path lay from Delhi to Puri — a city on the shores of the Bay of Bengal. Despite everything around, India did not disappoint me. Everything was strange and unusual, but very interesting. All the time I was in anticipation of a meeting with something „real“, but everything that I met was either indefinite, or touristic, or sham. Just for the „real“ India, one had to go to another place — to science.

India through the lens of science
I got to know the real India without sham, without stereotypes through the scientific work of specialists while studying at the University of Bonn (South Asia Studies and Religious Studies). Science opened up a completely different India to me. A country more vibrant, more colorful, more complex than I’ve seen before or what I’ve been led to believe.
My scientific interests
My main scientific interest is the South Indian Vaiṣṇava tradition of Madhva (Dvaita Vedānta). I translate and publish works of this tradition. I like scientific projects, within the framework of which in 2020 I published the book „About Some Dogmas in the Caitanya Cult in the Light of Madhva’s Teachings“. You can buy the book on this site (Russian and English editions). I have spoken and lectured about this Bengali tradition (I accept invitations). I am preparing the second expanded edition of the book. You can find out about my projects in the corresponding section of the site.
